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·Negative influence of burial stress on plant growth was amelior... (2014.02.10)
·Plasticity of the clonal growth in the wetland sedge Carex brev... (2014.02.10)
·Growth responses and non-structural carbohydrates in three wetl... (2014.02.10)
·Effects of size and vertical distribution of buds on sprouting ... (2013.05.17)
·Physiological mechanisms for plant distribution pattern: respon... (2013.01.22)
·A change from phalanx to guerrilla growth form is an effective ... (2011.11.24)
·Effects of flooding and sedimentation on the growth and physiol... (2012.12.10)
·洞庭湖湿地的外来入侵植物研究 (2012.12.31)
·蛋白质, 纤维素和单宁酸对东方田鼠摄食的影响 (2012.12.31)
·洞庭湖区东方田鼠2007年暴发成灾的原因剖析 (2012.12.31)
·洞庭湖流域综合管理现状与战略研究 (2012.12.31)
·社会-经济-自然复合生态系统中的鼠害治理 (2012.12.31)
·洞庭湖封闭河口区与湖心区的基本生态特征--以六门闸至小西湖样带为例 (2012.12.31)
·东洞庭湖漉湖死鱼事件的原因分析与政策建议 (2012.12.31)
·Morphological and Physiological Responses to Sediment Type and ... (2012.12.28)
·Growth and morphological responses to water level and nutrient ... (2012.12.28)
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